Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Walkie - Talkies

Bedtime is always fun around here...it usually takes a good hour. When N was little, it would take 2 hours, then A came along and we downsized to 1 hour, and now that Lil L is here, I think we do pretty good to still have it at 1 hour! You actually have to start the process by saying "It's time for bed!" Then they proceed to say how hungry they are, what books to read, what toys to pick up, clothes to pick out, lunches to pack, etc...the list goes on and on and on!

Anyways, last night as I'm getting Lil L ready for bed, A and N had found their walkie-talkies. They were chatting back and forth, except A was just yelling. N finally got fed up and said "A! Stop yelling into the walkie talkie! I want to hear you on the walkie talkie, not yelling from the other room!" She is so tolerant of her brother! And of Lil L, N has realized what an asset she can be. The other night N left her blanket in the living room and lil L proudly brought it to her. N pauses and says "I like her - she brings me my things!" The wheels were definitely spinning on that one :)

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